A new name for a strange universe…

Over nearly fifteen years, I’ve written multiple novels all within a shared setting. It’s an Earth just a bit unlike our own, where humans have developed strange powers since the dawn of mankind. These figures often became great heroes or were worshipped as gods and goddesses. In modern times, those with powers often took on heroic roles and the Age of the Hero rose. This was the universe into which I’ve brought nearly every story I’ve ever published into being.

I called this shared setting the Quadrant Universe with a logo featuring a prominently placed Q. Over the last few years, I’ve grown more and more uncomfortable with that name and that logo. In the last few months, it became clear the universe needed to re-brand.


I won’t pretend the rise of QAnon doesn’t have a lot to do with this decision. Over the last four years, a cult standing for white supremacy, white nationalism and the destruction of civil liberties proudly waving desecrated flags with images uncomfortably close to your logo does not make one feel great about one’s choice. At no point did I ever want my work conflated with the ideas and ideals of such a group. Even so, I considered mounting a fight in an attempt to reclaim Q as a letter that means something better.

Only, someone already does that day in and day out.

As Pride Month came into full swing last month, I watched the letter Q pop up over and over again as people that identify as queer and genderqueer used it with pride. Heck, we even got a trailer for a new animated series called Q-Force, a team of LGBTQ super-spies. The quest to make sure a simple letter isn’t just related to hate is already well underway.

I don’t want to step on that.

With that in mind, I needed a new name for my universe of stories. I’ve spent weeks brainstorming for something different, something that naturally fits this world of mine but also won’t tread on anyone else’s toes.

For almost a decade, I ran a super-small publishing house called Metahuman Press. And while Metahuman Press is effectively just a hollowed out shell now, I still love the logo I designed in its waning days. It’s anything but complicated and works effectively as a branding mark. The initials could still link to a history of this fantastic world, where the Meta-Human Phenomenon was first theorized nearly a century ago.

Welcome to the MHP Universe.

This change isn’t one I’ve made lightly. Over the next few weeks, you will see the re-branding alter posts on this site, book descriptions, solicitations, even covers. I’ve created a lot of work with this change. But I also believe it’s the right thing to do, both for others and myself. I love superheroes. And I don’t think I could love them without hoping for a more just and equitable world.

I’ll do my part in building this one, even as I bring another to life. I hope you’ll be along for the ride.


Currently consuming… July 2021


Newer Gods 3: Less night falls on ugly new outfits