DC: A New Dawn

Looking back at DC Comics from 1987 onward, the beginning of the modern era of the DCU.

In 1987, DC took its entire line and changed it forever.

Many fans talk about the “Post-Crisis” DC Universe, but no one really wants to define when the “Post-Crisis” era began. Arguably, the first issue of the new Blue Beetle series would be the first debut out of the crossover event. Man of Steel would redefine Superman. But it wouldn’t be until the end of Legends and the two major series that spun out of it, that the modern era of DC Comics truly begins.

DC: A New Dawn takes a look at that period of DC Comics, starting from the debuts after Legends of Justice League and Suicide Squad and continuing forward day-by-day to cover Millennium, Invasion, and perhaps beyond even that. Updated five days a week, it is maintained as its own publication on Medium.

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If you’re the kind of reader that likes to try out something before you buy it, I am happy to provide samples of some of the most-read comics coverage on the site. Please out Justice League #1, Outsiders #19, and Flash #5. Enjoy and respond with your thoughts on Medium. I hope you return to check out a whole lot more!