Introducing the official MHP Print Store!

Back as 2020 dawned, I had planned to make my first forays into the world of convention selling late in that summer. I wanted to finally branch out in ways that would allow me to bring signed copies of my books directly to my fans.

Then COVID happened. As a person in a higher risk group, I needed to be careful. But now that I’m fully vaccinated and boostered, I am hoping I can change that in 2022. But that does no one any good as we head into the holiday season. Of course, my work remains available on Amazon, but that doesn’t allow the personalized touch of a signed edition of my latest work Smoke & Ash, the Lightweight novels or some of the great anthologies I’ve produced over the years.

In answer to this problem, I realized I needed to bring an official print store to life. And I’m proud to announce it is open right here.

It looks a little something like this…

The market is just in the test stages currently. I decided to initially launch it on the BigCartel platform solely as a way to test the waters for the interest in my work signed. That platform offers few start-up costs for a small scale store. I’m hoping as I head into my first convention baby-steps next year, and a demand for ways to order more of my work directly increases, I will be able to integrate it fully into this site.

But in the meantime, head over to and take a look at my first three releases on the site! All are available right now and will definitely ship in time for Christmas! I don’t know about you, but I always love a great new book at the holidays!

Thanks for following and thanks for buying! All of this truly would not be possible without your support!


Another NaNoWriMo in the books!


Ghosts of NaNoWriMo Past