Another NaNoWriMo in the books!

For over a decade, I’ve set my mind on trying to write 50,000 words each and every single November. More often than not, I’ve been successful at crafting a new novel — or at least the beginning of one — in the annual National Novel Writing Month challenge.

I’m writing this as I come off yet another year of pumping out a lot of words in a short period of time. I am far from finished with my NaNo project, the first in a series of books currently called Legacy of the Devil. It joins several past projects as a book planned for release sometime in the next few years, but I’m trying my best not to write too much on any project that is not at least in a complete draft form. I’m hoping to wrap the rest of the book up by the end of January, but even then it will likely not see print until 2023.

I’ve worked hard over the last few months to start to build what I want the narrative flow of the MHP Universe to be over the next four or so years. Lightweight, Living Legends and every story in Smoke & Ash all share that setting, but I’ve been coy as to how everything links. I will say I’m decidedly building towards something, but what that is… it’s simply too far ahead to say exactly what I have in mind.

I will simply say this: it’s a crisis unlike anything else in my writing so far.

December will be spent as I often spend it, recovering from writing 50,000 words and getting into the holiday spirit. It will also be spent putting the final touches on the manuscript for KITH as I get it ready for a March release. But I might just have a surprise or two as I get back into my regularly weekly blogging schedule this Monday.

I’ll see you then and thanks for reading!


Xmas Adventures !


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